Second Dental Exam

I had my dental exam this morning, and praise Jesus, everything is fine. No cavities, no gingivitis, no nothing. I'm so glad that I don't have to deal with any sort of dental stuff on top of the TB stuff. Tomorrow the appointment line-up is a 7:30 ultrasound to check out my thyroid, an 8:45 lab appointment to do all my blood and urine tests, and I managed to squeeze in at the Infectious Disease office at 10:45, so hopefully I'll have more answers tomorrow. For my sanity, I would really just like a gameplan of what I'm going to have to do for the TB. I know I'm going to have to take a pill twice a day for months on end, but I don't know how often he's going to require me to come in to be checked out, and how often I have to do the liver panels, and if there's something else I don't know about. Knowing my luck, there will be more stuff, but I guess I'll find out tomorrow. After this last round of appointments, we should hopefully be done with everything, and be able to send off our paperwork to the Peace Corps DC office shortly. I contacted the PC office yesterday to ask about the TB stuff, and she said that as my test was positive she was going to send me paperwork to have the doctor complete regarding if it's dormant/active and what steps I'm doing to get rid of it. So I need to wait for that, and complete it before we send in everything else. My goal to have it done by the end of the month probably wont come to pass, but maybe in the first weeks of December.


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