Buzz Kill

So we got an email from our recruiter today, and we need to resubmit a bunch of stuff because we made mistakes. Fun fun fun. This is the crap that everyone complains about. So our applications probably wont be forwarded to DC for at least two more weeks while we resend (and they process - which is the long part) our stuff. I would like to get all this done by Wednesday. That's the tentative goal anyway.
Here's the list:
  • Ken – please submit a new resume that also lists your education experience (college degree stated, submit via email)
  • Ken – transcript, with your name officially printed on it (I believe you may obtain these three academic advising or registrar’s office, unofficial is okay if it has the name)
  • Ken – a reference from a personal friend (see instructions below on how to add a new reference. While we’ve received three, we have two from previous jobs and one from a volunteer activity. In addition to those two categories, we also request that one reference be from a friend.)
  • Tyan – please submit a new resume that also lists your education experience (college degree stated, submit via email)
  • Tyan - transcript, with your name officially printed on it (I believe you may obtain these three academic advising or registrar’s office, unofficial is okay if it has the name)
  • Ken & Tyan – copy of your official marriage certificate


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