Gap Year
Posted by
Ken and Tyan's Adventures
on Thursday, June 25, 2009
So Ken and I have this crazy gap year between now, and when we should leave for whatever mud hut in Africa we are assigned to. It's a fickle length of time, because it's long enough to get a real job, get trained and do that for a while, but then we'd have to quit not long after. But on the other hand, a year is an entire year. Neither of us really wants to flip burgers for a year killing time. I have my job at After Hours which I'm holding on to with white knuckles, but Ken isn't so lucky. His job on campus will end at the end of September because he wont be a student anymore. So he has to find a new job before then, with a random degree (which will be applicable when he has his teaching license, but not now), and in this economy. So he's looking for a new job (if anyone knows of anything in the area - please let us know!) and I'm looking for another daytime position to add to my hours at the AHC. Ideally, some sort of part-time office work that will look reasonable on a resume, and wont be a totally foreign concept (as office stuff is what I've been doing since high school). I could technically try to get some sort of "real" "grownup" type job, but at this point I honestly don't really want to. The last two terms at school nearly killed me. I can't count the number of times I melted onto the floor and sobbed about how I was never going to pass CDS 450 and 451. I'm mentally and emotionally fried. I don't mind working hard, or working long hours, but I honestly don't want a job that is going to be very mentally difficult. I know it sounds lazy, but that's how exhausted I am at this point in my life. Unfortunately, we really can't afford for me not to have another part-time day position, so I'm on a job quest for a part-time office/receptionist/scheduling type job (again, if you know of anything - let me know). Wish us luck.
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